Slow and steady
“Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anybody else.”

Progress on the new Monitive has been slow as a snail in a marathon, but nevertheless the progress was there. Since the last update last year, a lot has been going on, and one day I woke up and just decided to write, even if small updates.
Not only because Monitive is about transparency, but because I love writing. I love putting myself out there with the good and the bad, I love writing articles that I’ll be embarrassed about in a few years. Because growth and progress is a significant part of life, and there’s no shame in hiding it.
The beta that’s already been running and checking sites is up and live for about a year, during which roughly 52 million checks were executed, plenty of alerts were sent, confirming that it’s a working product.
But it’s not the new Monitive, it’s merely an iteration of what you’ll see live in short while. The frontend web app was completely rewritten and reorganized (yes, again), we added new screens and also improved the internal monitoring engine.
And what’s more important, all this was possible because there was no pressure to launch the wrong product. No quarterly sales targets, no EBITA, and no profit margin. The rewriting process has officially been taking 3 years now, and I have no regrets for the long time that passed.
As the first, currently in production for roughly 10 years version of Monitive is still running smooth and helping customers keep a high uptime, the new generation of uptime monitoring service can take it’s time to ensure it will be there for another 10 good years.
The original version of Monitive ran close to 8 billion checks, crunching data, crafting reports and sending alerts. And it will still be around to see this year’s Christmas, because even after the official launch of the new Monitive codenamed “Freyja”, the old one, soon to be called “Monitive Classic” will be slowly phased out when there’s not a single customer using it.
Oh, and since I have photography as hobby, I decided to stop using stock photos for my stories and use photos I took instead.
Stay safe!