Audit Tools

We bring two new audit-oriented features today that have been requested and are now fresh out of the oven, ready to use.
Read-only user role
You can now invite read-only users to your team, or you can change the current users to be read-only.
A read-only user cannot start, stop, delete, update or add monitors. It cannot acknowledge monitors, and can only add other read-only members to the team.
However, a read-only user can create and manage custom reports that he creates. Basically it has research rights in your team, but can’t touch anything.
To add users to your team, you’ll have to activate the Team Management feature first.
Name, update and delete custom reports
You can now give a name to each of your custom reports.
You can also update an existing report (causing it to be re-generated) and, of course, you can now delete a previously created report.
To create and manage custom reports, you’ll have to activate the Custom Reports first.