Pushover, Slack & Telegram Alert Notifications
API v1.21.1 Admin v0.22.1

This update brings plenty of novelty to Monitive, and especially a set of long-awaited features such as:
- Push notification Outage / Recovery alerts via Pushover
- Outage / Recovery alerts via Slack
- Outage / Recovery alerts via Telegram
- A unified place to manage alert recipients called "Recipients"
- Test alert functionality, so you can check if any of the recipients configured are properly set up.
Admin Web App Updates
- Added Recipients management screen, and Pushover integration #161
- Added Ransom IT thank you message in the Monitors list #167
- Added Telegram and Slack alerts #170
- Added onboarding copy variation for free account sign ups #180
- Changed some API attributes to camelCase #166
- Changed Status Page feature copy
- Changed billing page only requires VAT for EU countries #175
- Removed changelog requests and box (not compatibile with the new website) #173)
- Fixed status page monitors list ripple effect
- Fixed Whatsapp support number
- Fixed Recipients screen should only be visible if the user has manageable channels (such as Pushover)
- Fixed chunk load fail errors when the older distribution files weren't available #176
- Fixed monitor group dropdown edit page and add/edit validation feedback #171
- Fixed Slack Webhook URL loading after setting it and before refreshing the page #181
API Updates
- Added Homestead config files for easier development deployment
- Added Test Pushover notification feature, allowing a user to check if Pushover notifications are properly set up #351
- Added trigger so that remove Pushover feature will remove any configured Pushover alerting rules
- Added automatic sync between user's email and phone number to new-style notifications #545
- Added ability to sign up directly to the free Plan #554
- Added saving payments and refunds into a local table (no payment details included) #509
- Added Telegram outage/recovery alerts #559
- Added Slack outage/recovery alerts #552
- Added trigger to removed Status page feature to set pages to Private #576
- Added update of FirstPromoter lead after Stripe customer is created #581
- Fixed removing the phone number would cause an empty hash collision #564
- Fixed duration of the daily retention policy from 85440 hours to 87648 hours (10 years and 2 days).
- Fixed Status page availability chart wasn't including the oldest day, 90 days ago.
- Fixed ThankYouListener to be queued (was sync) #579
- Fixed pausing a monitor created a rogue incident (without end date) #549
- Security update of package dependencies (composer update)