Improved alerting rules flexibility

Improved alerting rules flexibility

This release brings some pretty cool updates to the add/edit monitor box, including a major revamp of the alerting rules - the settings of a monitor that determine who gets alerted, when they get alerted and how they get alerted.

On the Add / Edit Monitor dialog you might notice a few changes:

  • It's in two columns on desktop;
  • The Test Monitor button is just below the monitoring settings;
  • The Alerting Rules are easier to skim;
  • The Save button is in the lower right;
  • There is a Cancel button next to the Save one (but you can still close the dialog from the upper left X button).

On the Alerting Rules front there have been major updates:

The biggest change of the alert rules is the ability to set different recipients on the same channel at different delays, for example you can set to call someone after 2 minute of downtime and then someone else after 10 minutes.

Also we added more delay options, up to 1 day. Whatever works for you!

Admin v0.38.0 Updates


  • Add/edit monitor screen and flexible alert rules (#356)
  • Timeline alert rules settings (#358)

API v1.35.4 Updates


  • Remove free-plan-maintenance scheduled run (#931)
  • Only list recipients that are available (#929)
  • Create alert rules for enabled channels only (#928)
  • Delete unconfirmed accounts (#919)
  • Enforcing free accounts benefits (#917)
  • Retry failed phpunit tests in the pipeline (#934)