Maintenance Release v0.36.3

This is a set of small fixes, addressing issues that were around for a while.

Admin v0.36.3 Updates


  • Avoided redundant navigation to current location, error thrown when clicking on the logo on the Dashboard page (#301)
  • Check for dataLayer existence when firing GTM (#296)
  • If user loads the app but doesn't have a team/account, notify via Snackbar message, sign out, and redirect to sign-in (#299)
  • Null item check in the Outages list was throwing (#298)

Admin v0.36.2 Updates


  • Demo account login was triggering an error due to the fact that the user is no more available when the user clicked Start Monitoring (#295)

Admin v0.36.1 Updates


  • Google Analytics even when the user signs up from the Demo Account (#294)