PagerDuty recipient alerts
API v1.26.0 Admin v0.31.0

This release migrates our PagerDuty integration to the recipients system, allowing Monitive Pro users to add as many PagerDuty services as they wish by just copy/pasting the Integration Key from the desired services from PagerDuty.
Admin v0.31.0 Release Updates
- Links for pushover, slack, telegram guides to their feature dialogs (#249)
- Footer links to support, status pages and added version number (#255)
- Support for notification-style PagerDuty alert rules (#242)
- Email alert channel info in the Features section (#247)
- Message when cannot resume monitor because user reached the maximum active monitors count (#253)
- Top navigation links to and Sign In on the Get Started Screen (#256)
- Moved CTAs on the Get Started screen above the fold (#258)
- Swap custom reports date from/to if they are in the wrong order (#250)
- Enable editing of non-core email recipients (#251)
- Enable users to remove non-core email recipients (#245)
- Footer version having double 'v'
API v1.26.0 Release Updates
- PagerDuty notification alerts (#608)
- Limit to the URL length for quicktests to 1024 chars (#644)
- Email CTA button color from turquoise to brand pink (#653 #637)
- Package dependencies update (#650)