SMS & Phone Call Alerts as Recipients

This release migrates the SMS and Phone Call alerting settings from a monitor, from being user-bound to being managed in the Recipients screen.
Now you can add as many SMS and Phone Call recipients you need, and set them up as alerting recipients on any of your monitors.
Admin v0.33.2 Updates
- SMS and Phone call alerts are now defined and managed in Recipients (#266)
- the Get Started screen Pro description now shows the "15 days free trial" at the top (#275)
- update SMS channel for signup verification (#273)
API v1.28.1 Updates
- New channel-sms and channel-phonecall notification-style features and alerts (#626)
- Sync recipients when a user joins a team (#668)
- Enable channel-sms and channel-phonecall features trialing users (#671)
- creation of legacy alert rules on sign up (#666)
- Update composer packages (#682, #665)